Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

In another 20 minutes, my most favorite day of the year will come to a close.  I have to be honest, it's been a rough one.  By far, NOT the best.

I woke this morning to a phone call from my Doctor's office.  I did my Diabetes check a couple of weeks ago and, I guess, the results came back.  Uh, apparently, I flunked.  At least my HbA1c levels were too high.  So ... I get to go back on my Metformin.  I don't object to taking Metformin, it's just that I know, from past experience, that my Victoza interacts with it and results in me not being able to keep much down.  Which results in me not eating much, which results in me losing weight.  And of course that's a good thing, it just takes all the fun out of eating.  *BIG SIGH*  That news kind of bummed me out, so I went back to bed.

By the time I woke, the second time, it was almost 11AM.  I had a huge to do list and most of my day had gotten away from me!  Like I said in my last post,  This year's display is sort of minimal but I did have to make sure that I got some paper work filed for unemployment as well as quite a bit of computer work, and phone calls to make. I did a quick shower and dress and got busy.  It turned out to be a lot more frustrating and time consuming than I had planned.  Jake was home (sick again) and everytime that I tried to make a call, I had to track down the phone.  And no sooner than I would hang up, the phone would ring - for Jake.  I finally gave up and was about to gather my paperwork together and drive to the office, when Heather called wanting to know if I had forgotten to pick her up from school!  I looked at the clock and realised that it was quarter after three!  Drop everything,  go pick up Heather and Megan; then, rush like a mad woman to get everything done before the office closes.  By the time I got home, Nick, Jenn,Brooklyn, and baby Malachi had arrived.  I was looking forward to seeing them but, I still had to go get Halloween candy and food to feed . . .10-12 people. 

Like I said, Halloween is a big day at my house (even when the display is "not so great," it's usually more elaborate than most people.)  So All my kids, grand kids, and kids friends, eventually show up, and the door bell never stops ringing.  And the dogs?  Poor babies, they get so confused.  They can't figure out why people come to the door, get candy, and just . . . leave.  When someone shows up and actually comes inside and stays for a while, they're SO happy.  Anyhow, it's total chaos between 6:30 and 9:30PM.  And at 4:30PM, I hadn't even started shopping for food and candy; and since I'm not working, I only had a $20.00 budget to get it all done!

Normally, I've had months to make sure that all the little details are taken care of way in advance; but with everything that happened this past year, especially these past few weeks, I wasn't the least bit ready.  And for me, Not being prepared for something that has become a family tradition ( a family tradition that I created) is just . . . unthinkable.  Which results in HUGE levels of stress.

But, it's over now.  Time to de-compress.  I am . . . EXHAUSTED. 

I could probably even sleep - if it weren't for that one little thought that keeps running through my mind :
"Only 364 more days to plan for next Halloween."

And next Halloween,  WILL be the best EVER !

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