Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween Past

I've spent the better part of this weekend putting the Asylum to rest.  Cemetery headstones have been stored, and what props are in need of repair (which is most of them) have been set aside in the garage for creative consideration at a later date.   As I mentioned before, I'm really thinking of reinventing the haunt - maybe something completely different. I'm  not exactly sure how or what; but it's slowly coming together in my mind.  There were a lot of "little props" that I just am not ready to part with, hence, some of them have found a new home in my bedroom.  I'm kind of liking the look, dark and creepy, yet cozy.  I've even managed to find a few subtle locations for some of my skulls in the living room.  So far, I haven't heard any objections from my youngest child. 

Heather is my little ray of sunshine.  She patiently suffers through Halloween knowing that as soon as it's over, Christmas is right around the corner.  This year, she actually wore her Christmas sweatshirt on November 1st !!   Twinkle lights, pretty paper, Santa, reindeer, and all the elves,  these are the things that make my daughter happy.  Ugh, gag me with a running chainsaw !  It's not that I don't like Christmas.  I do !  I just hate all the commercial hype and stress.  And it just can't be avoided - it's everywhere.  If it were up to me, I'd celebrate Christmas in a much more traditional, low key way.  But my daughter . . . her favorite color, is anything neon.  Her favorite music, is dance music.  I love her so much.  I just have no idea how she managed to turn out so wonderfully bright with such a dark mom.    I try to make Christmas all bright and cheerful, but it isn't easy.  Christmas light tours, gingerbread house decorating, cookie baking . . .
well, the cookies and  candy are actually pretty good.  This year, I thought I had the perfect compromise.  While Heather and I were wandering through Walmart shopping for dog food, I said:
"So . . . Heather, how would you feel about a Christmas yard display this year?"  Her eyebrows went up and her eyes got a hopeful sparkle to them and she asked,
"Like what?"   I said,
"Well . . . I was thinking . . .  Nightmare before Christmas?  I could put Jack Skellington in a sleigh, in his Sandy Claws suit, with Zero lighting the way with his red nose?  I could do Ooogie Boogie with a big string of Christmas lights, and Lock, Shock, and Barrel could be dressed like little elves? And . . ."
Her response, "No, No, NO!!!  Christmas is MY holiday and you are NOT going to spoil it with all your creepy stuff! NO !!!"
Well,  Now I know better than to mess with the Queen of Christmas.   (For the record, Jake thought it was an awesome idea.)  So , I guess I really have to put my creativity to work this year and try to find something that will please my daughter and won't make me puke.

Hmm . . . now that I've mentioned it,  I'm thinking that a little cookie baking sounds like a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.  I'm off to the kitchen.